Davidoff Premium Selection 12-Cigar Sampler
The Davidoff Premium Selection 12-Cigar Sampler is your golden opportunity to sample the finest premium cigars made by this world-renowned brand. Whether you are a lifelong Davidoff fan or have been wanting to experience these luxury cigars, this specially prepared sampler was made for you. It contains a dozen of Davidoff’s best-selling cigars. Nestled inside its elegant dress box is one (1) each Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto, Petit Corona and Piramides, Davidoff Aniversario No. 3, Davidoff Special "R", Davidoff Special "T", Davidoff No. 2, Davidoff Short Perfecto, Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2 and No. 4, Davidoff 2000 and 4000. All are expertly hand crafted in the Dominican Republic.
Brand | Davidoff Aniversario Series |
Manufacture | Davidoff Group |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Rolling Type | Handmade |